#BrainyQuote I from #TheCEO

"Being the CEO of Real Extreme Touch is so tough especially that I am away from Philippines (#RETFamily)" I believe that one of the most effective way to inculcate my message and bring into action for the Management, Staff and all the Masseurs is to leave (via social media) those thoughtful words derived from my experiences and visions that would guide/inspire everyone.

The bridge that get us closer to each other, though I am so far from you, is our constant communication.  I am opening every single line, any ways or any forms, for you to reach me. In this way, I am certain that I am guiding you at all times...

Here's the Part I of the CEO's Quotes

[RULES exist to Guide in DOING the RIGHT thing. You MUST have those RULES for Yourself to have One Direction towards Your Goals.]
[HONESTY is the FOUNDATION of TRUTH. Truth is the Foundation of Fair Judgement.]
[Each of U can have Ur Own Story, Perhaps, Everything has a Reasons. But will U be Proud of that Story?]

[I'm Not Perfectionist, I'm Pointing even Small Things; 'Coz I Care & want to Keep U Safe, But foremost See U Successful Soonest.]
[Before Judging Me, Try Wearing My Shoes; Walk along the Path where I've been thru, If U Reach where I am, U'll know how Strong I am.]
[I do always UNDERSTAND... I do always FORGIVE... But I could hardly BELIEVE U AGAIN!]

Having you, the #RealExtremeFamily and the #RealExtremeClients , inspire me to inspire all of you...

While I am away, please bear in mind that there's always a light for every hopes that would bring us in a common platform of success. See you soonest, my Dearest #REF & #REC.

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